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Redditor Sparks Backlash After Selling Grandma’s Heirloom Piano That Wouldn’t Fit In Apartment

Grandmother playing piano
Andreas Selter/Getty Images

Inheriting things often comes with complications.

Whether you inherit money or items, other family members often have strong opinions regarding what you do with said inheritance.

Redditor TrappedInTechLoop sought out subReddit “Am I the A**hole?” (AITA) after selling the piano they inherited from their grandmother.

The Original Poster (OP) asked the sub:

“AITA for selling the family heirloom even though I had the legal right to do so?”

They went on to explain.

“I’ve recently found myself in a whirlwind of family drama, and I’m honestly unsure if I’ve done the right thing.”

“My great-grandmother left behind a valuable family heirloom – a vintage grand piano.”

“In her will, she bequeathed it to me specifically, stating that she wanted me to have it due to my deep passion for music.”

“I’ve been playing the piano since I was a child, and she always appreciated my connection to it.”

“However, my current living situation doesn’t allow for such a large item. I live in a small apartment in the city, and the piano has been in storage for the last 5 years, incurring monthly storage fees.”

“Recently, I’ve faced some financial hardships, and after careful consideration, I decided to sell the piano.”

“I used the money to pay off some debts and set aside a portion for my future, possibly for a down payment on a house.”

“When my family found out, they were furious. Many feel that the piano should’ve remained in the family and passed down to future generations.”

“They argue that its sentimental value far outweighs any monetary gains.”

“I understand their sentiments, but I also felt burdened by the costs of storage and the practicalities of my situation.”

“The piano wasn’t being used or enjoyed, and I believed selling it was a beneficial decision for my future.”

“So, AITA for selling the family heirloom, even though it was legally mine?”

Redditors weighed in by declaring:

  • NTA – Not The A**hole
  • YTA – You’re The A**hole
  • NAH – No A**holes Here
  • ESH – Everyone Sucks Here

Redditors decided:

“YTA. Not for selling it, but for not telling/asking them first. You knew it had sentimental value to them.”

“You should’ve told them you didn’t want it anymore for the reasons you listed and then told them if they wanted it to stay in the family, they could buy it from you or else you’d sell it to someone else.”

“I suspect they wouldn’t have bought it and still would’ve been pissed, but then they would’ve had the chance and it’s on them, not you” – Cutch35

“YTA – you should have informed them before you sold it, or at least offered them the chance to buy it first. You sold a family heirloom right from under them.”

“It was left to you as your grandmother felt you had a passion for music and would get the most enjoyment from it, but you left it in storage and then sold it off like it was nothing.” – Angelblade92

“YTA. It was left to you because your grandmother thought you would be the one to cherish it. If you are not that one, then you should find the one who will.”

“Now, you shouldn’t be burdened with the storage payments if you don’t want the piano.”

“But the right thing to do is to contact the other members of the family, and say that you cannot continue to store the piano.”

‘“Offer it to anyone else in the family who is willing to keep it around for the next generation. If no one took you up on the offer, then you could sell it with a clear conscience.”

“But it appears you never gave anyone else in the family a shot.” – DarthCredence

“YTA, and also set yourself up for unnecessary family drama, not for selling the piano, but for not offering to sell to a family member as long as they could meet the price.”

“If you had taken that simple step, even if no one could meet the fair market price, every time someone came after you, it should be kept in the family bit…”

“…you could throw back you gave them that option. You also would have no reason to ask AITA.” – KMK_Direct

“You should have given them the opportunity to buy it off you, dude.”

“The fact you couldn’t keep it isn’t the problem, but to not even try to see if any of them would want to keep it in the family seems pretty sh*tty.”

“If you had offered it to them and everyone refused, I’d be on your side. YTA.” – BigBigBigTree

“no slight about it.”


“Grandma gave it to OP because she thought OP would treasure it. Legally, it’s OPs, but spiritually and morally it wasn’t at all because they received it under a false pretense.”

“Let’s say I sell my house, and purposefully choose to sell it to two young parents about to start a family.”

“That’s great! If, after signing the papers, it turned out they were paid actors and it was a corporation buying up loads of houses to rent, I’d be pissed!”

“Legally, it’s theirs, they own it. Morally? Bollocks to that.” – Vodoe


“People are claiming special attachments to it, but the reality is that it wasn’t theirs.”

“It sat in storage for FIVE years.”

“Did a single person inquire about it? Offer to buy it? Ask to see it? Anything? No. Now they wanna throw shade and say sentimental attachments. Pls…”

“If grandma proved anything, it’s that you can’t take it with you.”

“You needed it for a different resource, and you have every right to use it as you see fit. You didn’t need anyone’s permission.”

“The reaction from family is probably rooted in petty jealousy over the fact that op was able to make a huge profit off it.”

“There’s no way they didn’t know it was in storage when op lives in a small space that couldn’t accommodate it. And they let it stay in storage for five years without a peep.”

“Nah, this is a reactive jealousy punch. And they’re just trying to weaponize sentimental currency. They’ve had all the time in the world to step forward if it meant that much to them.”

“Expecting op to offer it to family for less than market value is delusional.” – tornadoshark1

“Family heirlooms should generally be kept in the family, but a grand piano? Sh*t, she might have as well left you a ship’s ⚓ anchor. I would bet that not many of your family would even take it.”

“That’s like an entire room. When my parents sold my grandmother’s Beckstein Grand I was a little sad, because she taught me on it during her 70 (yes, 70) year career as a piano teacher…”

“…but it would be totally impractical to keep. You did the right thing. NTA”

“Edit: For my Nana, what was important to her was my love for music, not the piano itself.” – meditatinganopenmind

“NTA Those who think you are really don’t understand the issues of dealing with a large grand piano.”

“A few years ago, I decided to upgrade from a baby grand to a parlor and spent hours in piano warehouses.”

“It was absolutely mind-boggling to see how many beautiful pianos are being stored, never to come out and be played.”

“People are throwing their money away, and most of the time, the owners would be better off giving them away.”

“You only paid for five years, some people pay two or more times that long.”

“Unless there was another very accomplished pianist in the family who would actually play the instrument AND was willing to pay a competitive price…”

“…it was better to sell it and make the most of your own life.” – 5115E

“YTA the obvious thing is to ask if anyone could buy it from you. You are also an a**hole for just keeping it in storage for years when you should have offered it to somebody else.”

“I’m just imagining a hypothetical where my sister sells something sentimental of our parents because she needs money and I’m furious.” – AioliNeat640

“NTA. You were given a gift. You can do whatever you want with that gift.”

“I have a similar situation. A cousin had a music box that belonged to our great-grandmother. He remembered going to her house and playing the music box, and it had sentimental value to him.”

“He contacted me a while back and said that since he doesn’t have children (or anyone else in his family) to will it to, asked if I would like to have it. I said yes… mostly just because he offered.”

“He sent the music box. It doesn’t work. I’ve never seen it in my life because our great-grandmother lived farther away from me, and I only visited a few times.”

“I do have the music box on my desk, but I’m 72 y/o now, and my only child doesn’t want ANY of my collectibles…”

“…much less a music box that belonged to her great-great-grandmother who she never even met.”

“When I die, and they clean out my house, the music box will be in the trash along with many, many, other things.”

“I hope you sell it and use the money for your own good.” – JipceeLee

Hopefully, the money from the sale did the OP good.

And that the buyer enjoys the piano the way Grandma intended.

Written by B. Miller

B. is a creative multihyphenate who enjoys the power and versatility of the written word. She enjoys hiking, great food and drinks, traveling, and vulnerable conversation. Raised below the Mason Dixon, thriving above it. (she/her)