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Redditor Rescinds Offer To Host Friend’s Wedding At Their Home After Being Denied A ‘Plus One’

smashed cake with topper askew
mofles/Getty Images

Planning a wedding sometimes seems more complicated than international diplomacy.

Who can and can’t be in the same room or at the same table without unnecessary drama is something couples have to consider.

And decide whose issues they’re going to champion.

A guest who was on the losing end of that support turned to the alternate “Am I The A**Hole” (AITAH) subReddit for feedback. AITAH doesn’t provide final judgments, but it allows a wider variety of scenarios.

Long_Assistant8873 asked:

“AITAH for not letting my friends use my backyard for their wedding because they do not want me to bring a ‘plus one’?”

The original poster (OP) explained:

“Here is the situation. Last summer, I bought my grandparents’ house. This house was the hangout spot for my friends and I throughtout our childhood. This includes my friend ‘Dave’.”

“The house has a sizable amount of land, which includes a lake and a gazebo. I was supposed to buy the house with my now ex-girlfriend (‘Leslie’).”

“But, going through the process of getting approved to buy, I found out that she has massive amounts of credit card and personal debt that she hid from me throughout our four years together.”

“I decided to breakup as a result. That was about six months ago. I met Leslie because Dave’s long-term girlfriend (‘Kim’) is Leslie’s cousin.”

“Dave and Kim are engaged and set to get married in April. When I was buying the house, they asked if they could have the ceremony at the gazebo, which I agreed to do.”

“In December, I started dating again. Leslie has not taken this well at all. She thinks we are going to get back together and has tried multiple times to make that happen.”

“I have told her in no uncertain terms that isn’t happening. Dave and Kim have asked me to not bring a plus-one to the wedding for ‘Leslie’s sake’.”

“I have told them that this request is ridiculous. This wedding is happening at my house, using my land, and I am not allowed to bring a date because of a crazy ex?”

“If that is the case, then they need to find a new venue for the wedding. They are pissed about this given the short time frame of when the wedding is supposed to happen.”

“So, we are at an impasse.”


The OP later added:

“I have seen a few things brought up a number of times in the comments, so I will quickly address them here:”

“I am fully aware of the liability issues, which is why I purchased, and they reimbursed me for a ‘special event’ insurance policy which will provide 100% coverage for any damages, claims, injuries, etc… to any of the property or persons up to $2M. It is one of the first things we did after I agreed to have the event in my home.”

“They are paying for the event insurance. But, it is a pretty small amount. But, they are not paying me for the venue.”

“The wedding will have a maximum, if everyone comes, of 75 guests, 5 catering staff, and 5 security staff (the security is because this is an open area that anyone walking past can access). The house has hosted events twice this size and logistically it has been fine.”

“On the property are two cottages, one with one bathroom and the other with two bathrooms. The only portion of my house that will not be locked during the wedding is the finished basement. The basement has two bathrooms.”

“Every person who is single (ie. not in an established relationship) received an invitation with a plus-one, including me and Leslie. This talk came after I sent in my return card and indicated I was bringing a plus-one.”

“Now, they are saying they do not want me to have the plus-one because Leslie blew up about it and they are afraid of a blowup at the wedding.”

“Leslie indicated she intends to bring someone on her card. I do not know if she will actually bring someone.”

“The petty part of me did absolutely consider saying, ‘Well, Leslie cannot come to my house or on my land so it shouldn’t be a problem’.”

Some Redditors weighed in by using the voting acronyms from AITA:

  • NTA – Not The A**hole
  • YTA – You’re The A**hole
  • NAH – No A**holes Here
  • ESH – Everyone Sucks Here

Redditors who voted decided the OP was not the a**hole (NTA).

“Pull an Uno Reverse. Tell them Leslie isn’t allowed on your property and watch their heads explode.” ~ ItWorkedInMyHead

This is the way. Agree not to bring a date. It’s a small concession that actually protects your best interests. Whoever you brought would have the worst time navigating this ex-girlfriend drama.”

“Instead, tell them that you are not comfortable having Leslie on your property and thank them for bringing this to your attention before the wedding.”

“You had thought you could peacefully coexist with the wedding, but if you bringing a date would cause problems then they’ve opened your eyes to that not being the case.”

“It’s just better for everyone’s mental health if she sits this one out. Feed them some bullsh*t on not wanting the ex-girlfriend drama to take the spotlight away from them on their special day.” ~ BasicRabbit4

“The couple getting married can go get married someplace they would have to pay for if they don’t want to be in this situation.”

“Otherwise they are taking advantage of OP’s hospitality and trying to dictate who he can have present on his own property, which is pretty obnoxious.” ~ Mean_Breakfast_4081

“Bring up the fact that if Leslie thinks this is her chance to shoot her shot, she will be shot down immediately. This is non-negotiable.”

“But your concern is that she’s going to be on your property when that happens. There’s no telling if/when she’s going to retaliate. AND how she may choose to do it.”

“ESPECIALLY IF SHE IS PLANNING ON DRINKING. Drunk bitter ex-girlfriends who still think they have a chance, are not known for being the most levelheaded, rational, and reasonable.”

“So this leaves you with one recourse. Don’t have Leslie at your house. Problem solved!” ~ CatmoCatmo

“This conversation should have been held either early planning stages or immediately post break up…whichever happened first. And if Leslie has a plus one, it shouldn’t bother her if OP does. NTA!” ~ MrsRetiree2Be

“NTA. Well….. you have 4 choices. 1. Deny them the wedding on your property (unless they ‘let’ you have a date) 2. Allow the wedding and don’t have a date.”

“3. Allow the wedding and bring your date regardless of their wishes. 4. Allow the wedding, if they don’t invite Leslie.”

“Choice is yours entirely. You’ll likely lose the friendship no matter what you do at this point, so just do what makes YOU happy.” ~ 6poundpuppy

“Wait—it is a ‘so let me use your land, gazebo, house, and lake to make our wedding happen, but you are not allowed to bring a date because of your ex-girlfriend’ request‽‽”

“Not to mention the fact that your land will be trampled on, possibly driven on, partied on, the lake may be used for many interesting and/or nefarious deeds, and you may be responsible for all the people that show up because you own the land and the liability for damages or for personal injury may be on your home insurance?”

“Heck NAW, NTA! That is some bs there!” ~ gotsmoxie

“NTA. None of this is on you, OP. Having Leslie as a guest at the home where she was going to be a co-owner is enough of a sticky wicket.”

“Attending a wedding at the home of your ex has got to be aaawk-ward, especially since it’s Leslie’s own stupidity and deceit that caused the breakup. Seriously, a plus one for you should be the least of Leslie’s problems.”

“You’re not wrong for taking the stand you are, OP; just know this may be the end of these friendships.” ~ PrairieGrrl5263

“I think the break-up with Leslie was the beginning of the end to the friendship. Leslie is the bride’s family.”

“You know she’s trashing OP every chance she gets, and Dave and Kim have already taken her side in the breakup.”

“They’re using OP for the venue. When the wedding is done, they’ll go no contact, guaranteed.” ~ Twisted_thistle

“NTA. Stand your ground and die on this hill!! The entitlement is real … YOU BETTER BRING A DATE! Or they can find another venue.” ~ mcindy28

“If Leslie is that upset about him bringing a date, maybe she should stay home.” ~ Mental-Paramedic9790

“If you want to stay friends with Dave, don’t bring a date. But let Dave know that ‘hey buddy, I love you, but you owe me one on this’. And keep your distance from your ex. But either way, NTA.” ~ Habitat934

“What if you agreed but said Leslie isn’t allowed on your land, for your comfort? Then what? NTA.” ~ Apprehensive_War9612

“NTA. Honestly I’d tell them that if they want to make that stipulation that you don’t think it would be a good idea for Leslie to be on your property, that you no longer want the wedding on your property because of that and that you’ll not be attending either.”

“Let them know that it’s clear who they wish to prioritize and that you understand since she’s the bride’s family, but that they must also understand that this is a massive violation of your own boundaries.”

“You now need to reassess you friendship with them and that you don’t think your friendship is now close enough for them to ask such a massive favor of you as to use your home for their wedding free of charge. You need to withdraw any involvement in the event now.” ~ DevilGuy

“You’re not at an impasse. It’s your house. You get to decide what it’s used for. NTA.” ~ Over-Marionberry-686

“NTA. Dave is delusional to think that he/they can put +1 restrictions on the venue owner without repercussions. FAFO. They can find a new venue.” ~ Awkward-Bother1449

“NTA. At first I thought they weren’t going to give a +1 because you may have not been together that long and then not having the funds to add someone this close, but because your ex would be uncomfortable with your new girlfriend there is just wrong.”

“I wouldn’t make them add a +1 for me at this point, and to save the hassle of discomfort, I would tell them they have use of just the gazebo they were going to have, but they need to get some porta-johns because you and your girlfriend will be out somewhere.”

“So then no one has to be uncomfortable with someone’s presence. But nothing but the gazebo will be available.” ~ LoneWolfHippie1223

This friendship may not survive this wedding, but if they’re encouraging and supporting the OP’s ex without regard for their feelings, maybe this friendship was already over.

Written by Amelia Mavis Christnot

Amelia Christnot is an Oglala Lakota, Kanien'kehá:ka Haudenosaunee and Metís Navy brat who settled in the wilds of Northern Maine. A member of the Indigenous Journalists Association, she considers herself another proud Maineiac.