It seems that at any given moment, somewhere out there a teenager and their parent are having an argument about the teen’s phone use.
That’s not so surprising. After all, smartphones allow 16-year-old kids access to an entire internet world of shopping, social media antics, and even the darker underbellies that lurk beneath.
It’s no wonder parents are a bit shifty around phone use.
But a recent Redditor shared how her mom took concern to a whole new level. The teen posted to the “Am I the A**hole (AITA)” subReddit to explain everything.
The Original Poster (OP), who goes by Ransacked_Tiger186 on the site, kept her title short and sweet.
“AITA for taking my phone in the bathroom?”
OP began by describing a recent situation that seemed rather harmless.
“I have a habit of taking my phone into the bathroom because my little brother loves to mess with it while I’m not around and lock me out.”
“Today I was taking off my shirt and leggings. I realized I forgot to turn on the shower. The shower at my house takes a long time to heat up and I have to turn it on ten minutes before I get in.”
“I came into the bathroom to turn it on (I was in my bra and panties because I was getting ready to shower) and I had my phone in my hand.”
But the little brother stirred the pot.
“I didn’t want to leave it in my room and risk him locking me out. I turned on the shower and then my brother started screaming at me from his bedroom because the shower was so ‘noisy.’ “
“I was about to leave the bathroom to finish changing in my bedroom but my mom came up to me and stopped me.”
“She started yelling at me for ‘causing fights’.”
Then things escalated.
“Then she saw the phone in my hand and went ‘WHY DO YOU HAVE YOUR PHONE IN THE BATHROOM???’ “
“I’ve told her several times about what my brother does and I was trying to explain again but she wouldn’t give me a chance.”
“She started screaming at me even louder and calling me a ‘whore’ and ‘porn star’ and assuming that I was taking nudes.”
OP could barely get a word in.
“I got really pi**ed off and told her to stop making crazy assumptions and not even letting me explain myself.”
“Eventually we stopped fighting, I finished changing, took a shower, and then came out.”
But another concern struck OP after the argument.
“I’m now terrified that she’ll look through my phone tomorrow or when I’m asleep tonight. I don’t have any nudes on there, but I do have personal conversations with my best friend and in some of them I talked about my mom.”
“She would freak out about that.”
“The closest thing I’ve ever done to taking a nude is taking a photo in a bikini for a before and after weight loss thing. I don’t know what to do and I don’t know if I’m the crazy one here.”
Anonymous strangers weighed in by declaring:
- NTA – Not The A**hole
- YTA – You’re The A**hole
- ESH – Everyone Sucks Here
- NAH – No A**holes Here
Most Redditors took OP’s side, and very vocally came out against mom.
“NTA Your mom has problems.”
“My 12 year old takes her phone in the bathroom. To play games while she poops like the rest of us do or to listen to music when she take a shower.”
“Also she has it in her room alone so why would the bathroom be any different.”
“You’re not crazy, your mom sounds overbearing.” — Beep_Boop_Beepity
“NTA calling 15yo a p*rn star is kinda weird” — v0YAMATO0v
“NTA and her sexualisation of you is weird. Also, who the fu** does your brother think he is messing with your sh**?”
“It’s a sticky one because of your age and being unable to shut contact with these people, and a taste of their own medicine would likely vindicate their behaviour more.”
“I’d just say stick it out until you can leave and be done with them, I’m sorry you’re going through this” — blerieone
A couple gave mom the benefit of the doubt, but still remained critical.
“I mean, it’s not that I don’t t get her concerns, a lot of teens are doing stupid stuff with their phone, not just in their bathrooms but everywhere. It’s a parents job to worry.”
“However, even if she had such concerns she should have approached them in a non accusatory manner and rude manner.”
“If you’re worried about her going through your texts just delete them as soon as possible.” — alongstrangesomethin
Some people took a moment to offer advice regarding OP’s privacy concerns.
“NTA, but if you’re worried about her going through your conversations then it might be a good idea to put some kind of security on your phone.”
“Either a pin she won’t guess or a pattern on the lock screen.” — blackskymetro
“NTA, if she decides to look through your phone, make sure to screenshot some of these comments so she can see for herself that her response is way out of proportion.”
“Who the hell calls her child a whore or p*rnstar? It’s derogatory, abusive and nasty.” — marjomind
“NTA. Password protect your phone, and leave it outside of the bathroom next time.”
“Seriously, neither your brother or your mom should look through your phone for any reason at all. If your mom doesn’t trust you, she should talk to you, not control you.” — Mercator1234
“You can have hidden folders or similar for stuff that requires a PW to access.”
“I suggest you put all your apps in place no one can access while still having dummy ones up.”
“So a public photo album but all the pictures are cute cats or memes with just a couple of cute SC ones.”
“So let them have access. They will have nothing to find.”
“NTA” — MissMurderpants
So it appears OP knows how to alleviate her concerns about any future probing from her mom.
As for the comments already made, it’s gonna be tough to un-ring that bell.