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Guy Irate After Twin Brother Steals His Allergy Meds And Tries To Replace It With ‘Cheap Knockoff’

A man wearing large glasses holding a tissue to his nose.
Guillermo Spelucin/Getty Images

It’s generally always a good idea to ask permission to borrow or take something that doesn’t belong to us.

Sometimes, we might feel comfortable enough with another individual, and we feel like asking their permission isn’t necessary.

That is not for us to assume, however, as chances are they feel quite differently.

And will probably not be pleased to discover that last cookie they were so looking forward to is gone, or that the bottle of wine they were saving for a special occasion has been opened.

The twin brother of Redditor anonymousUTguy didn’t seem to think asking permission was necessary when it came to using or borrowing the original poster (OP)’s things.

Finally, the OP had enough and demanded his brother replace one of his borrowed items.

When the OP’s brother offered an alternative solution, the OP had none of it.

Wondering if he was in the wrong for doing so, the OP took to the subReddit “Am I The A**hole” (AITA), where he asked fellow Redditors:

“AITA for demanding my brother replace a product 1 for 1 instead of cheap knockoff after I found out was stealing from me for weeks?”

The OP explained why his patience with his twin brother had finally reached it’s breaking point:

“I (28 M[ale]) live with my twin brother (28 M) and have for a few years.”

“Our dynamic is typically fine but he’ll take advantage of me at times, like playing my PlayStation when he didn’t ask, and taking various things out of my room without asking.”

“He’ll give them back after I have to ask.”

“I have weather related allergies and take a loratadine pill as needed.”

“A few months ago, I bought a bottle of 90 pills for a total of $36 from a local drug store.”

“I don’t take them every day and there’s 90 in the bottle so it’s hard to keep track of them.”

“A few months ago though I did notice that the bottle seems to be getting emptier despite me not taking a pill every day.”

“I thought that was a little odd but didn’t really think anything else of it.”

“But then just about a month ago, I noticed it significantly more empty than before.”

“So I decided to count them and found there were about 15 pills or so in the bottle.”

“Fast forward to last night, I wanted to take a pill, so I opened the bottle and noticed there was 1 pill left.”

“I immediately suspected my brother of taking them, without asking obviously.”

“So I confronted him about it.”

“He admitted to taking them, but he questioned how many I think he took.”

“I said I obviously didn’t have a clue but it seems like it’s been happening for months.”

“He got incredibly defensive and said ‘bro it’s just loratadine’.”

“It’s a f*cking allergy pill, not money, not a prescription’.”

“I said that it’s the principle, it doesn’t matter what it is, you don’t steal.”

“I then demanded he replace the product.”

“To go CVSs website and order the exact bottle, because it’s a 1 for 1 comp.”

“That’s the price I paid for the product.”

“He thought that was absolutely ridiculous, because he can get a bottle of like 300 pills on Amazon for like $15, instead of 90 for $36.”

“Is it more expensive?”


“But that’s the price I paid, despite it being cheaper elsewhere.”

“He wouldn’t budge.”

“He said I’m ordering you this or nothing at all.”

“He called me an a**hole for demanding this but he doesn’t see it that way at all.”

“So, Reddit. What are your thoughts?”


Fellow Redditors weighed in on where they believed the OP fell in this particular situation,  by declaring:

  • NTA – Not The A**hole
  • YTA – You’re The A**hole
  • ESH – Everyone Sucks Here
  • NAH – No A**holes Here

The Reddit community unanimously agreed that the OP was not the a**hole for demanding his brother replace his pills.

Everyone agreed that the OP was absolutely right in demanding his brother replace the more expensive pills and should not accept the cheaper alternatives, with many agreeing that what his brother was doing was thievery, plain and simple, and others urging him to find his own place.


“I personally can’t stand when someone uses a majority of/finishes of a premium personal product of mine (especially sunscreen) and then does not want to replace it with the same.”

“If it’s too premium for you to buy yourself, then don’t consume someone else’s like it’s yours.”- No_Glove_1575


“Brother needs to buy two bottles; one CVS bottle for you, and one Amazon bottle for him so he never has to do it again.”- Legitimate-Suit-4956


“If he wants to steal the expensive stuff, he has to replace the expensive stuff.”

“If he wanted to save money, he should have bought the cheap stuff for himself and left yours alone.”- DesperateinDunharrow


“You can’t be sure you’re getting the exact same ones from Amazon anymore since convincing knock offs there are a thing.”

“It has some serious safety concerns these days and I’d never buy over the counter medicine from there.”

“He owes you the 36 dollars since that’s what he stole.”- Mera1506


“I’d want the 1 for 1 replacement too.”

“If I buy one thing and you use it, then replace it with the SAME thing.”

“Not a cheaper version.”

“My roommate and i used to go through this with shampoo.”

“Don’t buy me the $1 shampoo when you used up my $32 bottle.”

“It sounds like maybe you need a lock box for your pills and anything else you don’t want him to steal.”- ChicagoWhiteSox35


“But I’m shocked that this is how you guys deal with issues at 28 years old.”

“Asking for permission to use the PS5 is 15-year-old activity.”- teddyoctober


“Buy a keyed lock for your bedroom door and lock it anytime you’re not in your room.”

“Put all of your toiletries and personal stuff in your room.”

“Problem solved for the future.”

“Insist that he replace your pills with the exact pills that you had.”

“If he wants to buy a knockoff brand for his own use- more power to him.”

“But you deserve to have what he took replaced with exactly what it was.”- ChaoticCrashy


“Your brother was stealing from you, and it’s reasonable to ask for the exact replacement of what he took.”

“The cost difference doesn’t matter—it’s about respecting your property and the principle of not taking things without permission.”- Younggod9

“Pharmacist here.”

“Loratadine is Loratadine.”

“It legally has to have same amount of active ingredient.”

“I would absolutely get the bulk on Amazon.”

“CVS and Walgreen’s are convenience stores, so everything is more expensive.”

“Worked at both.”

“It is not a knock off.”

“Hope this helps! NTA for wanted your item replaced, but you should be happy you are getting more for less!”- OGVexys

“NTA and put a lock on your door.”

“Who knows what else he’s been taking.”- Lissypooh628


“If the Amazon brand is acceptable, why didn’t he bother to buy it for himself?”

“He took your meds, didn’t bother to tell you, and now wants to replace it with a replacement from a questionable source?”

“Consider the amount of fakes on Amazon, I wouldn’t trust meds from them.”- ailweni


“A thief (or borrower, but your brother isn’t that) needs to replace like for like.”

“But you have a far more serious problem.”

“You’re living with a thief, and he seems completely unwilling to even acknowledge that what he’s doing is wrong, much less change.”

“He’s one of those people who thinks that theft isn’t really theft if the stolen object is of sufficiently low value.”

“That’s not only wrong for individual items, the total cost over time of such thieve’s depredations add up, sometimes to a lot.”

“Can you move out alone?”- SavingsRhubarb8746

“If it’s so cheap, why didn’t he order them himself?”

“Technically I’d say he owes you 90 pills of the same brand medicine.”

“If he can replace them from Amazon, then that’s fine I wouldn’t push it.”

“But obviously he needs to learn how to ask first.”

“NTA.”- sawdeanz


“He stole your property, and he can replace it with exactly what he stole.”

“He can purchase himself a bottle from Amazon.”

“Please, OP, put a lock on your door.”


“Your brother needs to grow the f*ck up, but he doesn’t need you to do the parenting.”- regularforcesmedic

“Just get him to give you the value of what he took.”

“I can see his logic why he thinks the cheaper option makes more sense, but you’re right you should be entitled to a 1 to 1 replacement.”

“In this case, get him to pay you what he took and you buy whatever you like.”

“NTA.”- Bertie-Marigold

It takes a special type of person to use and take things that are not their own without even a second thought.

Sometimes, the only way for these people to realize their bad behavior is to get a taste of their own medicine.

Indeed, it seems it may take the OP using his brother’s expensive shampoo and replacing it with a discount product to shine some light on his entitled behavior.

That, or the OP can find a place of his own…

Written by John Curtis

A novelist, picture book writer and native New Yorker, John is a graduate of Syracuse University and the children's media graduate program at Centennial College. When not staring at his computer monitor, you'll most likely find John sipping tea watching British comedies, or in the kitchen, taking a stab at the technical challenge on the most recent episode of 'The Great British Baking Show'.