
Redditor Hilariously Trolls Trump With Wi-Fi Name After Neighborhood HOA Bans Political Signs

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November is rapidly approaching.

And you know what that means… leaves changing, pumpkin spiced everything and avoiding your neighbors with differing political yard signs at all costs.

That is unless yard signs are banned by your neighborhood HOA.

In that case, how does one show their political stance?

For one Redditor, it’s through his WiFi name – but it doesn’t necessarily fly with everyone else on the block – so he turned to the “Am I The A**hole Here” (AITAH) subReddit to seek feedback from fellow Redditors.

Redditor  asked:

“AITAH for renaming my Guest Wi-Fi to “F***Trump2024″ because my HOA banned political signs?”

The Original Poster (OP) explained:

“So, my HOA has had a long-standing rule about no political signs in the yard to ‘keep the neighborhood looking nice.'”

“Fine, whatever.”

“But I wasn’t about to let them silence my opinions that easily.”

“Since they couldn’t regulate my Wi-Fi, I did the next best thing: renamed my SSID to ‘F***Trump2024.'”

“I figured, hey, if I can’t put up a sign in the yard, at least I can broadcast my thoughts over Wi-Fi. 😂.”

“That was over a year ago.”

“It’s been there ever since, popping up on everyone’s devices whenever they’re in range.”

“Fast forward to now, and some of the neighbors are just now realizing it (I guess they don’t check their networks much?).”

“One guy even complained about how ‘offensive’ it is and told me to change it.”

“I’m starting to wonder if he’s mad about the Wi-Fi name or that I’ve outsmarted the HOA for so long. 🤷‍♂️”

“So, AITAH for sticking it to the HOA… through my Wi-Fi?”

Redditors weighed in and declared OP was not the a**hole (NTA).


“Well played.” – BlueGreen_1956

“I live in an apartment and mine called ‘We can hear you f**king.'”

“When asked if I know whose wifi it is, I just say I don’t know.”

“NTA” – SilentJoe1986

“It should be called, ‘f**ktheHOA'” – Kiowa_Jones

“Hahahahaha. Malicious compliance.”

“That said, it’s depressing how much mental space he takes up.”

“I long for the day when we never have to think about him again.”

“NTA” – DaniCapsFan

“You have my endorsement. Nta.”

“How do they know it’s yours?” – Dependent-Youth-20

“That is a level of deviousness I can get behind.”

“I live full-time in a beachside ‘snowbird’ community.”

“The masses will be invading my paradise soon, and the majority are in the Cult of Aging Orange.”

“I’m going to do this, then sit back and wait for the fallout!”

“NTA.” – Strict-Training-863

“NTA- I renamed mine to TrumpCan$uckDeezNutz🤷‍♀️ cuz, why the hell not?” – snowbirds-go-home


“And, thank you for the idea…” – LittleLisa74

“You’re not technically the ahole because you’re not breaking any rules.”

“However, it’s definitely a provocative move that could cause unnecessary tension with your neighbors.”

“You might consider a less offensive way to express your political views.” – curly_lovelyn

“It’s your wifi that you pay the bill for. No one should be able to tell you what to name it” – Maj0rsquishy

“That’s so clever! 😂”

“You found a fun way to express yourself despite the HOA.”

“The neighbors are just mad they didn’t notice!”

“You’re not the a**hole at all!” – Richard4-0


“There is literally nothing anyone can do about the naming of your wifi network.”

“Not even the cable company.” – TheSpiralTap

“Lmao NTA”

“They’re just idiots and you can name your WiFi whatever you want 😂😂” – ZaTen3


“F**k Trump.” – evil_chumlee

“You are taking the bipartisan stance of shoving it to the HOA.”

“Free speech is particularly important when it comes to politics, and you’re exercising fundamental and inalienable rights.”

“And, most pressingly, this is not breaking any rules the HOA has in place.”

“NTA.” – Surosnao

“NTA, and you should review your state laws as well.”

“HOAs are granted a lot of powers that don’t make sense for their role, but in many states, there are laws in place specifically stating they can’t limit political signage.” – PhysicalGSG


“He probably has ‘Let’s go Brandon’ hat/sweatshirt/garage sign.”

“People who get offended about something like your WiFi name were definitely saying ‘f**k your feelings’ in 2016” – Viz2022

“You have to express yourself somehow!”

“First Amendment and all that. Besides, you know Trump would never let something like rules and regulations stop him.” – Historical_Profit610

“NTA. Fight the system however you can.” – crazymastiff

“NTA I’m gunna do this now just because!” – BigDaddySeed69

“Can you rename the guest wifi to ‘F***_guy_who_complained?'”


“That’s insane for someone to be so snowflaked that they get worked over a wifi name” – oldmanian

“NTA I love it” – Mr_BigglesworthIII

“NTA. Keep up the good work!” – FoulMouthedMummy

“NTA, and bonus points for the cleverness.”

“For additional bonus points, rename it ‘f**k you (whatever your neighbor’s name is),’ and let him know you’ve changed it.”

“Then change it back after he’s finished with his meltdown.” – Lower-Preparation834


“Hell, not only not the a**hole, but quite the inspiration.” – Vegetable_Warthog_49

“F*** HOAs and the Emperor Cheetoh too!!”

“NTA!” – Wrong-Scratch-437


“The party of ‘f**k your feelings’ seems to have their feelings hurt.” – INDE_Tex

“Nta is your WiFi” – CaptainObvious1313

“Nawwww, NTA at all 😂” – Worried-Series-6160

“Easy NTA.”

“This is a proper application of free speech.” – notPabst404

“NTA. F**k Trump and all who support him.” – Cock-Robin

“nta. this is brilliant.” – Emotionally-english


“That’s hilarious plus f**k hoas” – Tdluxon

“NTA – you evil genius” – Exact-Evidence-3240

“NTA. Changing wifi name now.”

“I don’t put up yard signs because I don’t want the crazy’s to know.”

“There are only about 10 showing up on my list tho.” – JJStray

“Good for you!! NTA!” – LeekaSassyPants

“NTA – It’s a subtle ‘f**k you’ to the HOA.”

“I guess the HOA can ban political signs, but I think that’s an over-reach on their part.” – Magnet50

“It only offends the right people.”

“NTA.” – yoloswaggins92

“NTA – How does he know it’s YOUR wifi?”

“Modern devices automatically link to known wifi services so he has no reason to be looking at the names anyway.”

“🤣 Tell ’em to pound sand.” – Gay_andConfused

“Nope you’re not the ah.”

“I don’t have a hoa, but my ssid is lockhimup.” – boomer1959-

“The purpose of an HOA is to maintain the neighborhood’s property value and aesthetic.”

“That’s the point of not putting that stuff visible in your yard. “

“Wifi is a different story. NTA.” – PoisonedProse

“NOT the AH!!”

“I love this idea !” – Mlaxa

“Finally, a post that’s not about relationship drama!”

“You are absolutely NTA.”

“Screw the HOA.” – CyberGuy1001

“NTA. You do you.” – No_Equivalent_2838

“NTA and keep doing what you’re doing.”

“I’m so glad my house isn’t in a HOA.” – wtfover

“Love it.”

“I’ve been seeing where HOAs are pulling Harris signs but not trump signs.”

“HOAs are little dictatorships, and it’s about time someone pulled one over them” – 1silvervixen

“NTA and you rock.”

“I’ll remember this trick if my HOA ever tries something similar.” – HickAzn


“If they don’t prohibit in the HOA rules and it’s not illegal, they don’t have a legal right to stand on.”

“That’s how things work in the USA.”

“If being an a** is illegal, HOA board would not exist.” – Automatic_Ad_9912

“NTA and how did anyone figure out which house that was tied to?”

“Not sure I’d want to live in a neighborhood with political signage in everyone’s yard, though.” – itzabig2sekret

“NTA – brave!”

“We MUST stand up to the intimidation by the powerful.”

“I’d also encourage you to become a member of the board.”

“Your campaign could be ‘less intimidation – more community’ or ‘value humans over stuff’ or ‘freedom of expression’ or any such message.”

“Thank you for fighting back against censorship and intimidation.” – notyourstranger

“Awesome. NTA.” – Active_Sentence9302

“NTA. F**k HOAs.”

“Hope no one tells the FCC, doubt they’d actually do anything but man they come down hard.” – realdullbob

Many also provided OP with other strategic ideas to make his voice heard while remaining compliant with HOA policies.

“I did this back in 2020 and someone cut my Christmas lights, twice.”

“Had to put in cameras after that.”

“You said you can’t have lawn signs, can you put the sign in your window?”

“I don’t have an HOA but knew the same a-holes would steal my lawn signs so I just put them in my front window.”

“Problem solved.” – nuclearmonte

“Hahahaha this is great!”

“Do you have a guest network too?”

“SSID: VanceF#cksSofas” – patellison


“Don’t put the political sign on your lawn.”

“Hang it from inside your window.”

“And then tell them to pound sand.” – aravarth

“You could always change it to ‘Trumpisaconvictedfelonandrapist.'”

“No spaces.” – Putasonder

“They can’t technically prove it’s you, so don’t admit it.”

“Just say, ‘wow, how strange, wonder where it’s coming from…'”

“Also, get a cheap WiFi booster and you’ll make a lot more folks see it.” – Ok_Ad6486


“For a round 2 of malicious compliance rename it to Trump4Prison.” – Reddit

“Change it to DonaldTrumpIsAFelonAndRapist and then set it to automatically once logged in to go to a page listing out all the charges/crimes he has committed”

“Or make another guest account for KamalaHarrisWalz that goes to their political page” – KikoSoujirou

“We all must do our part.”

“Have you tried bumper stickers?”

“They are not considered ‘signs in front of the house’ but they still are.” – Joey_BagaDonuts57

“Is it just yard signs?”

“Why not plaster your windows with stuff?”

“I feel like they can’t legitimately regulate the inside of your home.” – sparx_fast

It sounds like OP has no reason to feel the least bit guilty for using his WiFi name to get political.

At least it wasn’t a yard sign!

Written by AB Keith

AB Keith is an educator turned roadtripper who is currently teaching virtually while touring the USA. Her dream is to visit all the national parks and create a series of nonfiction children's books about NP adventures through the eyes of her dog, Backpack Benny.