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Woman Called Out By Freeloading Sister For Having Loud Sex With Husband in Her Own Home

Couple frolicking under the bed sheets with legs exposed

Couples have varying levels of sexual intensity when it comes to routinely making love.

One woman admitted to being loud during sex with her husband, which is fine since they are getting down and dirty in the comfort of their own home.

But when recent living arrangments changed, and her propensity to make some noise caused drama, she sought judgment from strangers on the “Am I the A**hole?” (AITA) subReddit.

There, Redditor na77797 asked:

“AITA – My sister and her husband complained about hearing my husband and I have sex?”

The original poster (OP) explained:

“My sister and her family moved in with my husband (31 M[ale]) and me (30 F[female]) to be closer until they found a place. It was originally supposed to be 3 months, six at the very most. It has now been a year.”

“My sister and I are best friends, but my husband and I are ready to have our house back for our family. My husband and I have high sex drives, and this entire time, we’ve tried keeping it as quiet as we can be and respectful with them here.”

“I have a difficult time staying quiet, so we even changed up the time to the middle of the night when everyone is asleep or early morning.”

The OP continued:

“Recently, we have gone back to how we used to do things and not holding back, and they complained about the noise. Saying it’s disrespectful, and they asked if we could quiet down.”

“We’re not obnoxious about it. We’re just enjoying each other, as we should be able to do in our home.”

As a side note, the OP mentioned her brother-in-law and how he figures into the situation, writing:

“My brother-in-law took a month gap from work because he didn’t want to work. He’s lazy and has a bad work ethic, which is the main reason they are still here. He’s been let go from 2 jobs and is on his 3rd job since they’ve been here.”

“AITA for not carrying anymore. If they don’t want to hear what we do, then he should work harder to get out of their situation.

Anonymous strangers weighed in by declaring:

  • NTA – Not The A**hole
  • YTA – You’re The A**hole
  • ESH – Everyone Sucks Here
  • NAH – No A**holes Here

Many Redditors thought the OP was not the a**hole here (NTA).

“NTA – they’ve overstayed their welcome. They need to go and give your life back. Honestly, I’d start doing it louder at this point cos cmon. Get outta my house.” – anon

“Please just have a direct conversation with your sister.”

“Girl, I love you but we need our house back. We’ve been playing polite hosts for too long and must return to being comfortable in our home. At this point, if you don’t want to hear it, you need to move out. And really, even if you do want to hear it, you need to move out.” – That KinkyLady

“OP, I would just sit them down and tell them it’s not working any longer. Give them 30 days, or whatever, to have them out. What you DON’T want is to continue having them live with you, while you feel resentful to them, and all these little things build up until you hate each other.” – crystallz2000

1. “You want them gone.”

2. “Loud sex makes them uncomfortable.”

“Personally I would turn up the funky stuff to 11 from this point. Maybe try all the weird sh*t you were too nervous to try before…just make it loud.”

“Bonus points if your husband gets a gimp suit and have him sit at your side while watching TV in the living room.” – Rude_Egg_6204

“NTA. You should tell your sister directly ‘When you originally moved in, you said you were staying for 3 months. I felt like even that was a long time to keep it down, but for the sake of harmony, we tried to be considerate. It’s been a year, and I want my old life back. If you don’t like it, find a new place.’ “ – algunarubia

“Your sister is most decidedly NOT your best friend. She’s using you and has for this entire time.”

“They have taken advantage of you and have the temerity to tell you to tone down your enjoyment of sex.”

“Give them 30 notice to vacate, then when (not if, we all know this) they don’t comply, file eviction. Good luck to them ever finding a landlord willing to rent to them with that on their record in today’s housing market.”

“NECTBA (not even close to being the AH.”

“Or to keep the mods happy, NTA.” – BlindUmpBob

“NTA. I think it would be good to communicate that you want them to leave before relying on sex noises to convince them to leave. I do want to acknowledge that you have done a kind thing that should not have been taken this far, you deserve your space back.” – jenjemin_buttons


“The gall of people (who have overstayed by months) to complain about sex when they’re the overstayed guests! “

“I think it’s time to talk to your sister, who is your best friend, that they’ve overstayed their welcome and it’s time to go.” – archetyping101


“Oh I’m sorry you could hear the owners of the home you’ve been too lazy to move out of having perfectly normal sex. That must be difficult for you. Know where you can’t hear us doing it? In your own house. Isn’t that wild?!” – Tumbleweed_Jim

“NTA. They are family, but still guests. One’s that have probably overstayed their welcome. Do your thing. If they don’t like it, they can move out and be grown adults somewhere else.” – NotMisterableRerport

“Nta: your home; they have way overstayed their welcome. They need to leave now. Getting fired from 2 jobs in less than a year, dude, is a waste of space. Generally by 30 if you’re still a f*ck, you’re always a f’k up.” – No-Diamond9363

“NTA. They’ve outstayed their welcome. Give them notice they need to be out before Christmas as you want to have sex on the sofa in the sitting room on Christmas morning with only the lights from the Christmas tree on as you traditionally do. If you tell them that while they’re sitting on the sofa they could be out within a week!! Please, please keep us updated.” – Wooden_Opportunity65

“NTA Unless you’re harming them somehow, then it’s your house, your rules. They don’t get to dictate your behavior. If it means them leaving sooner, I’d ramp up the noise and frequency of your coupling.” – Performance_Lanky

“NTA. You’ve done more than enough. Set a firm timeline. Give them 3 months to get out. Then hold them to it. They have settled into living off your dime, and now you have to dig them out. If they can’t figure it out in three months, they can become someone else’s problem.”

“Next time you sister is anything but appreciative towards you, point to the door and tell her she can have all the peace and quiet she wants in her own place.” – WhereWeretheAdults

“NTA tells them as it is way past their moving out date, they should expect to find you living all aspects of your relationship regardless of what room, etc. If they are uncomfortable, you can signal it by leaving a towel on your entrance door 😉 And that will likely be on the door all night all day and all days upcoming to signal they might encounter noise and/or not flying underwear….” – Icy-Cherry-8143

“NTA! This is hilarious. It’s your house, and they’ve totally overstayed their welcome. I mean, if they can’t handle it, they should move out ASAP! 😂” – Illustrious_Heart821

“NTA, I agree with most of the posts in here stating to let her know she overstayed her welcome, and if she doesn’t like it, she needs to start finding other living arrangements.”

“The one thing I do not see everyone suggesting is to make sure you PUT EVERYTHING IN WRITING!! Do this through text or make up a paper on key points you spoke about and make both of you sign it so you have written proof of what was said.”

“Not saying she would do anything bad to you, but I’ve seen people switch up on family quick like this over something small, so just to save yourself, think about it.” – PalpitationNo2352

“Nta. Period. I could not live with my own sister for a year, let alone my SIL. Your husband is a saint.”

“The question also is here: have you told your sister that they need to leave the house, and what is their plan? If you don’t, they will get more entitled by the day.” – johnthes

Overall, Redditors thought that if the OP’s sister was having a difficult time with the noises she finds offensive in a place that isn’t even her home, she and her husband should make more of an effort to find a place of their own.

They also thought a 30-day advance notice was fairly standard and fair, given the circumstances.

No one should feel like they should restrain themselves to accommodate someone who is pretty much a mooch.

Written by Koh Mochizuki

Koh Mochizuki is a Los Angeles based actor whose work has been spotted anywhere from Broadway stages to Saturday Night Live.
He received his B.A. in English literature and is fluent in Japanese.
In addition to being a neophyte photographer, he is a huge Disney aficionado and is determined to conquer all Disney parks in the world to publish a photographic chronicle one day. Mickey goals.
Instagram: kohster Twitter: @kohster1 Flickr: nyckmo