When it comes to naming children, some parents see it as an exercise in creativity.
Be it unusual spellings of common names or the use of words not typically used as names—like Apple or North—some children have names that will never make it onto the list of most popular names.
A sibling turned turned to the “Am I The A**hole” (AITA) subReddit for feedback after their reaction to their newborn nephew’s name.
Hameagle asked:
“AITA for telling my sister her baby’s name sounds like a dog’s name and now she won’t talk to me?”
The original poster (OP) explained:
“My sister had a baby. I’m happy for her.”
“Her baby’s name is Ruff. It’s Ruff. It sounds like a dog. I thought she was joking and I laughed. I was wrong.”
“She asked me why I was laughing. I said it sounded like a dog barking.
“‘Ruff ruff?’ I thought we were laughing, but she got mad. She was angry.”
“She said I was being disrespectful and that the name had meaning to her and her husband. They love an obscure video game character.”
“I told her that she can name her child whatever she wants, but people will associate it with what they know and it might be hard for him in school.”
“She won’t return my texts or calls. My mom says I should have kept my mouth shut.”
“Am I the only one seeing this?”
“I didn’t mean to be a jerk, but ‘Ruff’‽‽ I can’t be the only one who thinks this could backfire.”
“So I told my sister that her baby’s name sounds like a dog’s name. Is she overreacting?”
“It’s hard when a name is unexpected. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. I hope the kid will be okay.”
The OP summed up their situation.
“I might have been disrespectful when I joked about my sister’s baby’s name. I didn’t think about how much meaning my sister and her husband put into the name.”
“Instead of being supportive, I laughed at it. I see now that I should have handled the situation better.”
Redditors weighed in by declaring:
- NTA – Not The A**hole
- YTA – You’re The A**hole
- NAH – No A**holes Here
- ESH – Everyone Sucks Here
Redditors decided the OP was not the a**hole (NTA).
“NTA. You gave an honest reaction to an absurd name.”
“If she didn’t like how you reacted, imagine how she’ll like having to deal with all the school bullying coming this poor kid’s way.”
“I swear some people just don’t think. Kids are not accessories.” ~ IamIrene
“My daughter comes home from middle school at least once a week and tells me about another horrible name that she’s heard at school.
“We’ve even played a game in the car where she says ‘mom I’m going to list all the stupid names of kids from school and let’s pick which one is the worst’.”
“Ruff would definitely be on the list.” ~ Critical-Dig
“NTA. Okay, yeah, you could have handled it better, but that’s a ridiculous name for a child. I’m already cringing at the jokes that will be coming once he’s older.”
“‘Hi, my name is Ruff’.”
“‘Oh, is that because your parents were doing it in a certain style when you were conceived?’.” ~ Select-Anxiety-1557
“Isn’t Ruff the name of Dennis the Menace’s dog? I’d say NTA because it’s an unfortunate name.” ~ dodoatsandwiggets
“NTA—but because you ran your mouth you won’t be asked to babysit now. You would have had so much fun with that kid, teaching Ruff to stay, roll over, sit. The possibilities were endless.” ~ EmotionalTower8559
“Honestly feel bad for kids when their parents give them goofy names, because you know damn well they’re going to be teased about it constantly. NTA.” ~ Open-Resist-4740
“NTA. It’s a sibling’s job to tell their sib when things have truly gone off the rails. Like this.”
“That poor child’s life will be hell until he changes it. Which he will. He’s going to go under an alias like Patrick after his first week of preschool.”
“Is their next kid’s name gonna be ‘Reddy’? Or ‘Woof’?” ~ 5CatsNoWaiting
“NTA. People like your sister are the reason some countries (like France) have laws in place that allow the government to veto a baby name if it’s deemed too goddam stupid.” ~ boogerbabe69
“NTA. ‘…the name had meaning to her and her husband. They love an obscure video game character’.”
“No, that’s not meaningful. That’s a common interest in something.”
“And just wildly inappropriate for a human child. That’s treating your child as a pet instead of a human.” ~ StAlvis
“NTA . Oh this poor child. He will be ( no question) bullied relentlessly at school. ‘Ruff ruff, come here doggy’.”
“I think it was okay that you tried to get her to see the impact the name will have on a child, but it seems they are too immature and entitled to think of anyone’s life—even their child—beyond their own.” ~ Gizmodevilcat
“Giving your kid a name that only you, your husband and a handful of people will understand the reference to is not always the brightest idea.”
“I would have reacted the same. Anyone in their right mind would have thought this was a joke.”
“Your sister is now facing consequences for choosing one of the supidiest name ever. The sad part is she will only have to deal with a small proportion of the consequences. Her kid will suffer the most.”
“I don’t understand how her and her husband can’t understand how this will affect their kid it’s whole life in a bad way. I think it’s extremely selfish to only think about how the name is important to you and not care about how it will affects your own child… NTA.” ~ Ambroisie_Cy
“NTA. It was an honest reaction. I would have thought it was a joke too.”
“Well, now she knows what reaction the name gets. It’s not too late to pick another name before the child starts school.” ~ tootsweete
“That poor kid will probably pick his own nickname as soon as he can. Maybe if he has a middle name, he can use his initials if they work, like RJ or something?”
“Or just the middle name if that’s better? I hope so. He’s gonna legally change it the second he turns 18.” ~ urnerdyaunt
“NTA. the name is truly terrible and this poor kid WILL be bullied for it no doubt. I would feel it’s almost the responsible thing to point out that going with an obscure name will have many drawbacks.” ~ Effective_Claim1232
“NTA. Hopefully the parents come to their senses and realize they are raising a real live person. They are ah for doing that to their kid.”
“Once things settle, a serious talk about the name and suggesting they keep Ruff as a nickname and Rufus on paper might make them still feel like they have a win and for a time they get their little Ruff.” ~ eirly
“NTA… you were honest. Hell, I’d want someone to tell me if I was making a dumb mistake with lifelong consequences for another human being.”
“If someone introduced themselves to me as Ruff I’d think it’s a silly nickname for Rufus or if I were introduced to a kid that way I’d assume it’s a cute family nickname, but honestly naming your kid that … legally? That’s wild.”
“Bet they’ll get a dog and name it George, Sam, Harry or some other perfectly middle of the road, safe, common human name.”
“I guess we should all be grateful Ruff is a boy, otherwise we could have ended up with Baby Queen Voluptua or Princess Peach.” ~ -slAyDHD
“NTA. She might not talk to you and she might not even let you be a part of her child’s life, but one day that pup and whatever litter mates they have might want to know you better and they’ll come looking for you.”
“I realize that’s so mean and I’m only joking, but she is setting that kid’s whole school life up to be trouble. Eventually everyone will get used to it and it won’t mean much. Embarrassing on wedding announcements in the future, though.” ~ sheilarenewaldayspa
“Ruff as a nickname—not great since the dog association. Ruff as a legal name—awful. Why not use, I don’t know, Rufus or Russell or whatever?”
“This isn’t like naming your kid Keightlyyne or whatever, which is still identifiable as Caitlin. NTA. Sis needed the reality check and now she’s embarrassed.” ~ Expression-Little
“NTA. No offence to your sister but she’s gonna have to get used to reactions like yours. Sad thing is she’s gonna have to get used to Ruff being teased at school (and probably forever because wtf). That poor child.” ~ imnotgunertellyou
“NTA. Your sister has saddled her child with an atrocious name because she loves a fictional character in a game.” ~ 1000thatbeyotch
The OP was taken by surprise by the name. If someone had given them a heads up in advance, they probably would have reacted differently.
All they can do now is apologize for their reaction—even if it was justified.