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New Mom Calls Brother ‘Disrespectful’ For Refusing To Change His Dog’s Name For Her Baby

A baby and a dog
Catherine Delahaye/Getty Images

When we’re inviting a new member into our home, whether they’re a human baby or a new beloved pet, the first big question anyone will ask is what their name is.

We place so much weight on names and how it will represent them, and some people get really sensitive about individuals “sharing” names, pointed out users of the “Am I the A**hole?” (AITAH) subReddit.

Redditor divinexxjuicy had a four-year-old beloved dog named “Charlie” and was tickled when his nephew was born and given the same name.

But when his sister approached him and demanded he change his dog’s name so the baby didn’t have to share the name, the Original Poster (OP) knew they had a problem.

He asked the sub:

“AITAH for refusing to ‘demote’ my dog after my sister gave her baby the same name?”

The OP’s sister named her newborn the same name as his four-year-old dog.

“I (26 Male) have a dog named Charlie. Charlie is a golden retriever I adopted four years ago, and he’s my best buddy.”

“My sister, Emily (29 Female), recently had her first child, a baby boy. She and her husband named him… Charlie.”

Emily then made an unexpected request of the OP.

“At first, I thought it was funny and didn’t really think much of it. But then Emily pulled me aside during a family gathering and said it was ‘confusing and disrespectful’ for me to keep calling my dog Charlie now that her son has the same name.”

“She asked me to rename my dog.”

“I told her no. Charlie has been his name for four years; he knows it, responds to it, and it’s on all his paperwork. Changing it would be weird for him (and for me).”

“She got really upset and said it’s not fair for her son to ‘share’ a name with a dog, especially in family settings. She thinks it’ll lead to jokes and confusion as her son grows up.”

The family was divided over the issue.

“My parents have weighed in, and while my dad says it’s ridiculous to expect me to change my dog’s name, my mom says I should ‘just consider it’ to keep the peace.”

“Now Emily’s barely speaking to me, and a few family members think I’m being stubborn.”

“I have no idea how I am in the wrong here. The world has just gone crazy.”

“I love my dog, and I didn’t name him to spite anyone. I also think it’s not my fault they chose a name already in use in the family if she’s so worried about repetition.”


Fellow Redditors weighed in:

  • NTA: Not the A**hole
  • YTA: You’re the A**hole
  • ESH: Everybody Sucks Here
  • NAH: No A**holes Here

A few Redditors commiserated with the OP and shared their own experiences with name feuds.

“My mom adopted a Yorkie and he was already named Nico. He had been named that prior to my mom even having taken control of him.”

“Her best friend was pregnant at the time and hadn’t shared any names with anyone until she found out my mom’s rescue was named Nico. She became EXTREMELY emotional and demanded my mom change the dog’s name because that was the name she had picked for her son.”

“Like she had my mom in tears over this absurdity. I was never ever the same to this friend. Like what the f**k? Who in their right mind? You’d be surprised. NTA.” – CarrotSlayer11

“My stepbrother and his wife had a baby and named him Michael when we already had a dog named Mikey (also already named by the shelter but it suited him). Nobody asked me to change my dog’s name and we all had a laugh about it, agreed it was a good name, and moved on because it’s really not that serious.”

“My Michael passed away two years ago from being an old man and their Michael is an adorable toddler now and it’s weirdly comforting that we still have a Michael in the family. I certainly wouldn’t make them change their kid’s name because it makes me think of my late dog.”

“OP is not the a**hole. This baby is hopefully going to be around a lot longer than OP’s dog and then he can be the only Charlie, but until then, he was Charlie first.” – sleroyjenkins

“My sister adopted a dog that had the same name as our cousin’s son. My sister called his wife to mention it and ask how she felt (it was just the name the shelter gave him, so easily changeable).”

“She laughed and said don’t be ridiculous. Also, Boy Cody thinks Puppy Cody is his special buddy.” – HiHoRoadhouse

“My parents had a dog named Sam. Five years later, my sister had a boy and named him Sam.”

“We would joke about it. Sam chewed up the newspaper. Sam the dog or Sam the baby?”

“Sam took his first steps. Sam the dog or Sam the baby?”

“My nephew is in his 20’s and I still call him Sam the baby. He laughs.” – sarchj1

“Honestly? If Emily is barely speaking to you then the problem solves itself.”

“An old friend told me of this time when he was confronted by a cousin asking how long he and his brother were going to keep up this no-talking to each other feud, and he didn’t even know there was a feud. He just thought things between them were more peaceful than usual.”

“NTA.” – Equivalent-Wealth-63

Some urged the OP not to change Charlie’s name and suggested alternatives for his nephew instead.

“The dog had it first. So, sis was counting on you renaming your dog. No. Just no. Tell her to call him Charles, or better yet, Chuck or Chuckie.” – Busy_Weekend5169

“If she keeps pushing for you to change Charlie’s name, suggest that she change her son’s name to Spot or Rover.” – Tishers

“I would start calling her kid ‘Charlie Number Two’ or ‘Human Charlie.'”

“‘Big Charlie’ and ‘Little Charlie’ would be ridiculously adorable, too.”

“Her request is absurd. No rational person would ask that.”

“NTA.” – BulbasaurRanch

“Yep, sorry, if she didn’t want her kid to share a name with a dog, she shouldn’t have named it after a dog. Her kid is definitely Charlie the Second. NTA.” – gumby_twain

“Anytime the family mentions Charlie, I would act dumb like they were talking about my dog.”

“Like, ‘Charlie took his first steps!'”

“I’d respond, ‘Yeah? Charlie has been walking for years. Why are you acting like that’s special now? Oh, you mean Charlie Two. It’s so confusing naming the kid after my dog.'” – BulbasaurRanch

“The dog came before the baby and your sister can still name her son ‘Charles’ and go by some other nickname. If she doesn’t want her son to be confused with the dog she could just name him something else.” – Professional-Poet176

“You have a dog named Charlie. The baby’s legal name can be Charles, and they can nickname him Chucky.”

“Just make sure not to put him in a striped shirt and overalls.” – picklepicklepepper

Others agreed and were certain that Emily chose the name on purpose.

“NTA. Has your sister always been so obviously entitled? She’s the one who named her kid after a dog and then blamed the dog for having the same name.” – jamie29ky

“Ask why she named them after the dog and say you didn’t realize she loved the dog that much to name them after it.” – Feisty_Bag_5284

“Your dog was Charlie first. I’d never change the name, and if dear sis keeps on giving too much grief, I’d start telling people at gatherings that sis named nephew after your doggo.” – primordial_chaos_007

“Your sister named your nephew after your dog. She TOTALLY DID. NTA.” – mmmmmpisghetti

“Save all evidence. Tell the nephew that he was named after the dog. Hopefully, like most children would, he will find this hilarious and repeat it to everyone he meets, and your sister will be the only one ticked off, and the only one to blame for it.” – p**sedoffthegarret

“NTA. You didn’t name your dog after the kid, so it’s not ‘disrespectful’ to the kid at all. If anyone complains, tell them to go pester your sister, asking her why she named her kid after your dog.”

“Honestly, the dog may pass away before the kid gets old enough to be confused, and if the good boy is still around, the kid would probably think it’s cool to have a dog that shares the same name.” – IVlrLurker

“She shouldn’t have named her kid that if it would bother her. Considering she named her kid that and she’s bothered by it shows she’s kind of dumb.” – SilentJoe1986

“Charlie the dog is already ‘Charlie.’ It shouldn’t be a big deal. Baby Charlie doesn’t care; only the parents do.”

“If it was a problem, they could have easily prevented it. You’re NTA.” – Boomer050882

“NTA. And I’m so sick of people burning family members for the golden child in the name of ‘keeping the peace.’ No. You didn’t disrupt the peace so you get a pass.”

“Tell Charlie (your precious pup) I said hi.” – Deb_elf

The subReddit could not see what the big deal was with two family members sharing the same name, especially a baby and a dog. Not to mention the fact that the OP’s sister had chosen the name, already knowing the dog’s name, and expecting to claim it for her baby.

If she wanted her baby to have a “unique” name, she should have chosen differently, but she still had plenty of time to come up with a cute nickname instead.

Written by McKenzie Lynn Tozan

McKenzie Lynn Tozan has been a part of the George Takei family since 2019 when she wrote some of her favorite early pieces: Sesame Street introducing its first character who lived in foster care and Bruce Willis delivering a not-so-Die-Hard opening pitch at a Phillies game. She's gone on to write nearly 3,000 viral and trending stories for George Takei, Comic Sands, Percolately, and ÜberFacts. With an unstoppable love for the written word, she's also an avid reader, poet, and indie novelist.