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Guy Called Out For ‘Ruining’ Coworker’s Pregnancy Announcement By Guessing It ‘Right Away’

Pregnant woman at work
Liderina/Getty Images

Some people really love to celebrate and share announcements of big milestones with family and friends, especially things like promotions, engagements, and future children.

But one person’s big announcement might not be someone else’s big excitement, pointed out the folks in the “Am I the A**hole?” (AITAH) subReddit.

Redditor Lazy-Tell-6941 knew that his coworker was super into sharing big announcements, like when she previously adopted a puppy, but when she spent an entire week dropping hints about her latest announcement, all the celebrating got old quickly.

But when the Original Poster (OP) accidentally guessed what his coworker’s announcement was going to be, she accused him of spoiling her fun.

He asked the sub:

“AITAH for ‘ruining’ my coworker’s big reveal by guessing it right away?”

One of the OP’s coworkers loved to make big and flashy announcements.

“I (24 Male) work in an office where we all get along pretty well.”

“One of my coworkers, Amy (30 Female), is super into dramatic announcements. She once revealed she got a dog by bringing in balloons shaped like paw prints.”

“She’s fun, and we all humor her because, honestly, the office can get boring.”

Amy’s latest surprise announcement had to be the biggest of all.

“Last week, Amy was bursting with excitement.”

“She kept hinting she had ‘HUGE news’ but wouldn’t tell anyone until Friday during our team lunch.”

“All week, she was dropping vague hints like, ‘It’s something life-changing,’ and ‘You’ll NEVER guess!'”

“Naturally, this got everyone speculating. Was she engaged? Pregnant? Won the lottery? Bought a house?”

The OP had finally heard enough of the comments.

“By Thursday, I was kind of over it. So, when she made another big ‘I can’t wait to tell you all!’ comment, I jokingly said, ‘What, are you pregnant or something?'”

“She had previously brought up the hopes of pregnancy so that seemed like the obvious choice.”

“…Well. She froze, looked at me, and said, ‘Um, yes. That’s my news.'”

“The room got SUPER awkward. She looked upset, and a couple of our coworkers gave me the stink eye.”

“I apologized right away, saying I was just guessing and didn’t mean to ruin her moment.”

“She brushed it off, but the vibe was weird for the rest of the day.”

Amy later accused the OP of ruining her fun.

“Friday rolls around, and during the big lunch reveal, she goes, ‘As SOME of you may have already figured out… I’m pregnant!'”

“Everyone clapped, but I could tell she was still annoyed.”

“Later, she told me I ‘stole her thunder’ and that I should’ve just let her have her moment. I get it, but also… how was I supposed to know I’d guess right?”

“Some of my coworkers agree with her and think I was rude. Others think it’s not a big deal since it was just a lucky guess. Now I’m wondering.”

“AITAH for accidentally spoiling her big announcement?”

Fellow Redditors weighed in:

  • NTA: Not the A**hole
  • YTA: You’re the A**hole
  • ESH: Everybody Sucks Here
  • NAH: No A**holes Here

Some reassured the OP that the coworker had ruined the surprise herself.

“To be honest, if she wanted to surprise everyone, she should have cut to the chase a lot sooner. Pregnancy is one of the first things people guess when they state they have big news. Seems like her own fault, to be honest.” – Present_Dimension619

“If you want to keep something a surprise, dropping hints for days is kind of asking for it to get guessed. A random, offhand announcement is honestly the way to go; nothing beats that spontaneous ‘Wait, what?!’ reaction. Gotta love the unexpected joy it brings.” – leelasmilee

“Why would drag out a pregnancy announcement and essentially tell people to guess? Pregnancy would be somewhere between guesses one and three in most situations. Amy’s got only herself to blame.” – digitydigitydoooo

“You really need to tell her the truth: knock off the big build-up. If you don’t want people to guess, quit leading up to it. We’re not here to cater to your drama, queen.” – Moki_Canyon

“She didn’t have to admit that OP got it right! She could have just gone with, ‘You’ll just have to wait to find out!’ and given a wink! NTA.” -xCATSwithHATSx

“All she had to do was say, ‘You’ll have to wait till tomorrow to find out,’ not ‘Yeah…’ if she wanted to keep it going. You didn’t ruin her announcement; she ruined it herself.” – qlionp

“NTA. If you really want a surprise, you don’t announce it for days to no end.”

“When I told my team I was pregnant, it was at the end of some random team meeting. We were doing a round table of work-related or random stuff, and I just mentioned it. To be honest, I was very excited.”

“There was a good five-second silence because it was just so random, lol (laughing out loud). It was really funny to see my colleagues ‘get it.'” – Ok_Pangolin2219

“When you tell people you have a secret to announce, you’re going to get guesses. Especially if you drag it out.”

“If she wanted nobody to guess she should have just told people at the Friday lunch without any other mentions. But actually, this could have been an email: nobody actually needs a face-to-face announcement of a coworker’s pregnancy… and I bet she was hoping for very exaggerated thrilled reactions.”

“Honestly, she sounds insufferable. Trailing her pregnancy for a week with mysterious hints at work… is incredibly annoying. Has she considered that the world doesn’t revolve around her uterus? Or her in general?”

“I also feel sorry for any infertile members of the team who had to watch her hint heavily for a week and wait for the reveal. I don’t feel sorry for her at all though. She still got to reveal the unsurprising surprise.”

“Nobody cares as much as she or her close family do. She needs to get over that.” – linerviaaaa

Others agreed and pointed out how obvious of a guess a pregnancy announcement was.

“If you’re a woman between the ages of 16 and 50, literally the first second you hint that something interesting is going on in your life, everyone you know starts asking you whether you’re pregnant.” – Auntie_FiFiFi

“She’s a 30-year-old woman, so ‘pregnant’ and ‘engaged’ are gonna be the first two guesses for any ‘I have big news’ that she starts talking about, followed maybe by ‘buying a house,’ ‘moving,’ or ‘getting a promotion.’ She could be a card-carrying asexual celibate and those would still be the first two guesses people make.”

“She could have led into the Friday lunch, with no preamble earlier in the week at all, by saying, ‘I’ve got big news, I’m pregnant!’ and people would have still guessed she was pregnant before she got the words out of her mouth. But no matter what, they would have been excited for her, and that’s the most important thing.” – mxzf

“‘You’ll NEVER guess!’ …until you did. Pregnancy is just so obvious, ESPECIALLY since you knew she was interested in trying.” – jacquestar

“Pregnancy would’ve been my first or second guess, too. We, societally, just expect it. The delay and build-up to her announcement gave her away.”

“My best friend struggled for years to get pregnant. Anytime she would say she had been sick she would be bombarded with ‘Are you finally pregnant’ questions. She was in the darkest depression already and those questions didn’t help.” – alliebiscuit

“Announcing on Monday that you have BIG NEWS to be shared on Friday is simply asking for people to guess it. Especially if you keep telling everyone they won’t be able to.”

“I don’t know what she expected. A woman in her 20s or 30s who has big news? My first guess is pregnant or engaged.”

“The other thing is that, she didn’t want a ‘moment.’ She wanted a whole week. She’s the AH for sure.” – Aylauria

“When I told my friends that was proud to announce that after many years of saving, I’d bought a condo, many of them didn’t say, ‘Congratulations!’ Instead, they said, ‘Oh my god, is it because you’re PREGNANT?'”

“People will guess that you’re pregnant, no matter how unlikely there is or if there’s already another explanation on the table.” – annang

“‘I’m moving away to a different job, and you’ll NEVER have to hear from me EVER again,’ said in her most dramatic voice, with forehead touches, is looking like the best and most unexpected news they could hope for. NTA.” – linerva

While it’s fun to share big news among loved ones, and sometimes even coworkers, it’s no one’s fault if the surprise gets ruined or if the crowd you announce your big news to isn’t as excited as you’d like them to be. It’s certainly not their job to be as excited as you are.

At least Amy still got to share in her excitement with her coworkers, and by announcing to them, they still had plenty more pregnancy milestones she could potentially celebrate with them, likely starting with the undying question: “Is it a boy or a girl?”

Written by McKenzie Lynn Tozan

McKenzie Lynn Tozan has been a part of the George Takei family since 2019 when she wrote some of her favorite early pieces: Sesame Street introducing its first character who lived in foster care and Bruce Willis delivering a not-so-Die-Hard opening pitch at a Phillies game. She's gone on to write nearly 3,000 viral and trending stories for George Takei, Comic Sands, Percolately, and ÜberFacts. With an unstoppable love for the written word, she's also an avid reader, poet, and indie novelist.